Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Valentine's Polka Dot Nails

  1. Paint two coats of pink polish, such as OPI Sparrow Me The Drama, on every nail except your pointer finger.
  2. Paint two coats of Essie Loophole on your pointer finger.
  3. Using the end of a paintbrush, create various sized purple, pink, and red glitter polka dots on every nail but your thumb. (I used OPI DS Temptation, OPI Excuse Moi!, and OPI Meep-Meep-Meep)
  4. Using the paintbrush, create a large red polka dot in the corner of your thumb.
  5. Still using the paintbrush, surround the red dot with five purple polka dots.
  6. Make three lines, from the flower to each corner of your nail, of alternating silver and pink polka dots.
  7. Finish the creation with a thick coat of clear polish.

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